The Making of the Dani Backpack

Leading Brazilian film Director Vitor Amati came down to visit the BOTTLETOP atelier in Salvador, Bahia. He silently captured the hum of concentration that envelopes the atelier, as our close-knit team quietly actualise our designs. The clicking and tapping of the crotchet needles is deeply atmospheric.

The construction of the Dani journeys through several stages. Metal ring pulls are collected from across the region, hand cleaned, filed, polished and painted.

The once-raw metal is transformed into a luxurious enamel coated surface. The smooth, sumptuous feel is incomparable. The metal is then braided with leather to create Tranca Mistura, BOTTLETOP’s signature weave.


BOTTLETOP uses leather sourced from Sau Matheus Farm in Alta Floresta (a farm that is protecting the Rainforest), in the North of the Mato Grosso State, which is the gateway to the Amazon Rainforest. Over the last twenty years 115,000 square miles of Amazon Rainforest has been wiped out due to cattle ranching for beef and leather. Developed in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation, The Rainforest Alliance, and JBS (the worlds largest meatpacker), BOTTLETOP has created the finest Amazon zero deforestation leather with Francisco Militão Matheus Brito at his ‘Full Cycle’ farm. Francisco farms a combination of Nelore and Nelore/Aberdeen cross breeds.

The average animal life cycle on the farm is 24 months and the Average number of cattle in the farm at any one time is 600. Amazon Zero Deforestation leather has the potential to slow the destruction of the Rainforest while introducing a new standard in terms of sustainability in sourcing for leather in the fashion industry.

Every detail of the Dani, down to the lining, as been carefully considered. The lining made from up-cycled plastic (PET) featuring the playful BOTTLETOP pop-art jacquard print.

Step inside the BOTTLETOP atelier in Salvador, Brazil, to see the creation of the best selling Dani rucksack, featuring brand muse Lais Ribeiro and the BOTTLETOP team.

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