Bottletop At the UN Climate Summit Earth To Paris

Following impassioned speeches from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry, Bottletop Co-Founder Oliver Wayman spoke about sustainable supply chains in the global fashion industry to a private audience at Paris' Petit Palais. 

Bottletop Co-Founder Oliver Wayman


The focus of his talk centred around the pioneering Zero Deforestation leather which Bottletop has developed with Brazilian tannery JBS. The leather sets out to provide a solution to the illegal ranching, which is causing the rapid depletion of the Amazon Rainforest.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon

US Secretary of State John Kerry

The event was part of Earth to Paris, which consists of a diverse coalition of groups from foundations to technology companies, uniting to launch an innovative campaign and convening strategy to drive awareness and host events that highlight the connection between people and planet and the need for strong climate action.

Oliver Wayman introduces Bottletop's Zero-Deforestation Leather policy


Earth To Paris showcases climate solutions and innovations, bringing together communities to promote collaboration and engaging people around the world in the dialogue taking place in Paris as part of the UN Cop21 talks.


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